
bonnie and clyde death car

from bonnie and clyde posted in movies


bonnie and clyde death car
31900 south las vegas boulevard
sandy valley, nevada 89019

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posted by donkeyoti #

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At the end of the 1967 film Bonnie and Clyde, the outlaw couple were shot up in their stolen car.

The actual vehicle from the 1934 ambush is now on display at the Primm Valley Resort and Casino, one hour south of Las Vegas.

The car is a 1934 Ford Model 730 Deluxe Sedan. The engine is a large eigthy-five HP V8 with a manual 3 speed transmission. It was stolen by Clyde Barrow on April 29, 1934. The couple were shot to death in the car on May 23, 1934.

The car from the film Bonnie and Clyde is on display at the Crime and Punishment Museum in Washington, DC.

photo: greyloch
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  1. bonnie and clyde locations by donkeyoti