
city: queens

rockaway beach

from the ramones posted in music by nevereatshreddedwheat

It's not hard, not far to reach
We can hitch a ride to Rockaway Beach

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5 pointz

from now you see me posted in movies by chewing_the_scenery

The climactic final show in the magic caper movie Now You See Me takes place at 5 Pointz in Queens.

The 5 Pointz warehouse had been a premiere showcase for graffiti since 1993. The owner planned to raze the building for condo space, and when the artists began to look into federal protection for their work he had it whitewashed in late 2013.

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from banksy posted in art and design by nevereatshreddedwheat

Banksy's final piece for his New York show BETTER OUT THAN IN was 'an inflatable throw-up' of his name on a building off the Long Island Expressway in Queens.

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cinderblock sphinx

from banksy posted in art and design by nevereatshreddedwheat


Banksy called it "a 1/36 scale replica of the great Sphinx of Giza made from smashed cinderblocks." It's located in Queens near Citi Field.

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art garfunkel’s childhood home

from art garfunkel, simon and garfunkel posted in music by donkeyoti

Art Garfunkel, the son of housewife Rose and traveling salesman Jacob "Jack" Garfunkel was born on November 5, 1941.

He lived in this home in Queens, three blocks away from future performing partner, Paul Simon. The two met in grade school at PS 164 and attended Parsons Junior High School and Forest Hills High School together.

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