
where sid vicious died

from sid vicious, the sex pistols posted in music


where sid vicious died
63 bank street
new york, new york 10014

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posted by pete_nice #

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On February 2, 1979, a small gathering occurred at Sid Vicious' girlfriend's (Michele Robinson) house to celebrate his release from Bellevue Hospital. Vicious was in the hospital from a failed suicide attempt after his previous girlfriend died at the Chelsea Hotel.

Although Vicious had gone through detox, his mother had brought heroin to the party. Vicious overdosed around midnight, but the party guests got him up and moving around. Around 3 a.m. Vicious overdosed again and died from accumulation of fluid in his lungs (a common symptom of heroin overdose).

Sid and Nancy, photo: Daily Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
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