terminator 2: judgment day
posted in movies
bull creek
from terminator 2: judgment day posted in movies by chewing_the_scenery
The T-1000, jumping his eighteen-wheeler down at the intersection of Plummer and Hayvenhurst, chases John Connor down the Bull Creek flood control channel that cuts through Los Angeles in Terminator 2.
john connor’s foster parents’ house
from terminator 2: judgment day posted in movies by chewing_the_scenery
The home of John Connor's foster parents in Terminator 2.
cyberdyne systems
from terminator 2: judgment day posted in movies by chewing_the_scenery
The exteriors of Cyberdyne Systems in Terminator 2 were filmed here at what is currently a semiconductor company in Fremont California. They made the building appear taller than it is with a glass facade of additional floors.
elysian park
from terminator 2: judgment day posted in movies by chewing_the_scenery
In her Terminator 2 nightmare, Sarah Connor is in Elysian Park near Dodger Stadium on judgment day when she sees the bomb strike Los Angeles.