
punch-drunk love

posted in movies

d & d mattress

from punch-drunk love posted in movies by chewing_the_scenery

I'm not sure if this was a furniture and mattress store at the time of filming, but it currently looks like it's a 99-cent store. This was the store front for Philip Seymour Hoffman's business (D & D Mattress Man) in Punch-Drunk Love located in Pomona, California not Provo, Utah.

Here's a commercial for D & D Mattress (and here's the Furniture Guy's original).

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barry’s business

from punch-drunk love posted in movies by chewing_the_scenery

Barry Egan's funger (fun + plunger?) business in Punch-Drunk Love is located in a garage behind this auto body shop on Canoga Ave in LA. Although Adam Sandler is just playing a variant of the same man-child he plays in everything he's ever been in, when this came out I thought it meant he might be branching out into better movies. Ten years later it turns out he decided making good movies is too hard or something.

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