
the yellow brick road

from l. frank baum, the wizard of oz posted in literature


the yellow brick road
water st and hudson ave
peekskill, new york 10566

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posted by elvis_crabs #

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Founded in 1833, the Peekskill Military Academy was a military school for boys until its closure in June 1968.

L. Fran Baum, author of The Wonderful World of Oz, attended the academy for two years as a youth.

Maps of Peekskill from that time show there was an actual yellow brick road made from Dutch pavers. The road extended from the river, up a hill, and to the Military Academy.

A portion of this "yellow brick road" still exists in a parking lot in Peekskill. The owner of the lot is willing to commemorate the literary road, but the $225,000 necessary for its restoration hasn't yet been secured.

photo: Mike Evans