
andy warhol’s last residence

from andy warhol posted in art and design


andy warhol's last residence
57 e. 66th st.
new york, new york 10065

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posted by pete_nice #

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Andy Warhol lived at 57 E. 66th Street from 1974 until his death in 1987.

Warhol purchased the 8,000-sq-ft home for $310,000 in 1974. He hired decorator Jed Johnson, and together they merged their tastes in art deco with primitive contemporary paintings as well as religious emblems.

Warhol lived comfortably here with his pet Dachshunds and Johnson, a constant stream of commissioned work and portraits continuing his profitable career. His main outings would be to Studio 54 to go clubbing, the Plaza Hotel to eat, and Bloomingdale's to shop.

This period saw the production of The Andy Warhol Time Capsules, where he would collect and categorize trinkets from his daily life.

There is now a plaque on the front placed by the Historic Landmark Preservation Center honoring the artist, and the last value for the home (as of three years ago) was $35 million.

Andy Warhol